Farewell My Dead Sergeant: Sayonara / Shalom / Goodbye…by Robert M. Katzman
By Robert M. Katzman © September 12, 2015
(Revised: Memorial Day May 31, 2021)
My Father fought the Japanese
Born before the Navahos were citizens
Born before women could vote
Before Hirohito, Yamamoto and Tojo
Before Meir, Dayan and Herzl
Before Eisenhower, Patton and FDR
Were names on anyone’s lips
Packed into trains of troop ships
Crossing the Pacific Ocean
To avenge Pearl Harbor treachery
To kill people he didn’t know
Bombed sending messages by telegraph
He died with steel shrapnel
Still in his body
Half a century later
In the Battle of Leyte Gulf
History’s greatest naval engagement
Which no one now remembers
My father saw a speck in the sky
The speck became
A Japanese Kamikaze plane
A suicide flight loaded with bombs
Aiming directly for his ship
Impossible to stop it
It missed by mere inches
My father saw the pilot’s smiling face
As the doomed plane of death
Slammed into the waves
Disappearing beneath the sea
What do you do with your life after that?
That long war was the peak of his existence
His Mt. Fuji of drama, terror and bravery
Nothing could match it
A life stretching out flat as
The American Prairies
Never finding the right work
The right girl
The right life
I have a tattered Japanese battlefield flag
He saved for an unborn son
But life turns unexpected corners
His curious son
Born on the fifth anniversary
Of Adolph Hitler’s death
Wanted to know
Everything about
The Japanese and the Jews
Who they were, who was I
Though Jews remain
Merely a sliver in numbers
Perhaps fifteen million world-wide
Compared to one hundred million Japanese
I discovered we were both Asian peoples
Where else would Israel be?
Parked near the center of Asia
The crossroads of history’s armies
Japan an island surrounded by ocean
Nearly six thousand miles
From Jerusalem to Tokyo
Yet we were both Asian
Both dark-eyed dark-haired people
Smaller in stature than many others
Both our alphabets written right to left
Both languages spoken
Exactly as written
So unlike incomprehensible
I wanted to know everything
Both so creative within their limitations
The Japanese trapped on their island
The Jews landless and roaming
Both wrote everything down
Ink more precious than gold
So similar in capturing ideas
Both sealing Time on scrolls
I learned about Jewish and Japanese
Architects and artists
Both creating imaginative buildings
In wood, stone, metal and glass
Both creating delicate watercolors
Music central to both of us
In tragic opera and magic Broadway
About matzo ball and miso soup
Brisket and teriyaki
I wanted to be a cowboy
Then saw a book about the Samurai
Warriors as works of art
War as ritual and honor
A thousand years of Japan’s Dance of Death
Their helmets, their armor, their swords
Leaving Roy Rogers and John Wayne
Their Winchesters and their Colts
In the dust
My Father watched me learning
Sending me to art school
Private school
Prizing education over anything else
Listening proudly to all I learned
I listened to his stories of war
Of his parents dangerous
Escape from Europe
About being one out of many
And the very real dangers
Even here in America
Of being just one, out of so many
He was confounded by
My alternate life
Of music and art and books
Watching me acquire understanding
Of history’s flow
And our determined place in it
Living in a way as a witness
That another life was possible
Even if not for him
He protected me and paved my way
When he died in my arms
Hirohito, Yamamoto and Tojo
Meir, Dayan and Herzl
Eisenhower, Patton and FDR
Were no longer names on anyone’s lips
Fame swiftly disappearing in the flow
But he knew I would remember
Not as a warrior like he was
But as a writer
A storyteller, like he was
Preserving History’s past
To my Father, Israel
Sergeant Israel Katzman:
Wherever and whatever you are now
Perhaps floating cosmic energy
Somewhere in the Universe
I so hope you found
The peace and tranquility
You never found
on Earth
Todah Rabah
Thank you
Note: My father’s obituary as it appeared in the Chicago Tribune, May 22, 2000, after a Reporter called me:
Publishing News!
Bob Katzman’s two new true Chicago books are now for sale, from him!
Vol. One: A Savage Heart and Vol. Two: Fighting Words
Gritty, violent, friendship, classic American entrepreneurship love, death, heartbreak and the real dirt about surviving in a completely corrupt major city under the Chicago Machine. More history and about one man’s life than a person may imagine.
Please visit my new website: https://www.dontgoquietlypress.com
If a person doesn’t want to use PayPaI, I also have a PO Box & I ship anywhere in America.
Send me a money order with your return and contact info.
I will get your books to you within ten days.
Here’s complete information on how to buy my books:
Vol 1: A Savage Heart and Vol. 2: Fighting Words
My books weigh almost 2 pounds each, with about 525 pages each and there are a total together of 79 stories and story/poems.
Robert M. Katzman
Don’t Go Quietly Press
PO Box 44287
Racine, Wis. 53404-9998 (262)752-3333, 8AM–7PM
Books cost $29.95 each, plus shipping
For: (1)$3.95; (2)$5.95; (3)$7.95; (4)$8.95 (5)$9.95;(6) $10.95
(7) $11.95; (8) $12.95; (9)$13.95 (10)$15.95 (15)$19.95
I am also for hire if anyone wants me to read my work and answer questions in the Chicago/Milwaukee area. Schools should call me for quantity discounts for 30 or more books. Also: businesses, bookstores, private organizations or churches and so on.
My Fighting Words Publishing Co. four original books, published between 2004 and 2007 are now out-of-print. I still have some left and will periodically offer them for sale on my new website.