Different Slants

Seeing the World from a New Angle

Barack Obama From a Liberal Jewish Perspective….by Robert M. Katzman

Filed under: Black/White relationships,Jewish Themes,Philosophy,Politics — Bob at 1:24 pm on Friday, October 31, 2008

Robert M. Katzman’s Amazing Story: www.differentslants.com/?p=355

In June of this year, I wrote a heartfelt opinion piece about ten very specific things that Obama should do, when, not if  he’s elected, to help America be all it can be for the greatest number of its citizens.

You can click here: http://www.differentslants.com/2008/06/12/obama-a-blueprint-for-a-better-america-this-is-what-you-should-do-dont-waste-your-time-by-robert-m-katzman/ and read each item and see for yourself if you agree with me.

I knew Obama would smash through the primaries and arrive at this point today, four days before a momentous election in this country, because there is a momentum to history and sometimes, positive forces among men and women become too powerful to hold back, and a good man with wonderful qualities is put in the position to positively affect millions of lives.

We’re in a period similar to when Herbert Hoover was this country’s President during the Great Depression’s earliest years, just before FDR was swept into power by that same sort of unstoppable momentum. So much was going wrong for so many ordinary, hopeless, jobless people, that a man with energy, good will, an imagination and a first-class mind was too essential to the survival of the nation to not be given the opportunity to turn this country around.

That is the same situation we’re in now, except that in fact, Herbert Hoover was a man with good intentions and a generous heart who did much to organize and feed the starving post World War One Europeans, but was somehow not temperamentally suited to be our President. It happens. Hoover was fundamentally a decent man in the wrong executive position.

George Bush with his thieving, scheming, self-serving gang of incompetents with their blatant indifference to this nation’s terribly frightened and suffering average people whom he has surrounded himself with, is not.

The price we will pay in too many ways, long into our nation’s future because of the bottom-of-the-barrel gang of them, is a signal to the voting population that NOT voting gets you the worst common denominator. And if anyone is “common” it’s Bush. America deserve a higher level of motivation and intelligence than has been on display nationally and regrettably, internationally, for the last eight years.

There are tens of millions of wonderful, decent, caring, responsible people who believe in the Republican philosophy of governing, and I respect that. But unfortunately, Abraham Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt are not available right now, when we need them, so vote for a man as good as either of them: Barak Obama.

God save us, we sure need the best we can get, right now. Please vote. Thank you!


About the writer and his other life in Skokie, Illinois:

Bob Katzman’s Magazine Museum: 100,000 periodicals back to 1576!
Wall of Rock: 50 years of cool Rock periodicals on display & for sale
4906 Oakton St. (8000 north and 4900 west) Skokie, Ill 60077
(847)677-9444 Mon-Fri: 10 am to 5 pm / Weekends: 10 am to 2 pm

Katzman’s Publishing Company site: www.FightingWordsPubco.com
Katzman’s online non-fiction stories: www.DifferentSlants.com

Poetry? For me, writing poetry is not an option.
It’s a response to emotion. Like cigarette smoke,
it’s fast-flowing, shapeless and with little time to capture it.
Writing poetry in an imperative. I say what I feel compelled to say.

I sell my five published books via mail order and accept major credit cards.
I don’t use PayPal. I just talk to people on the phone.
Fast, reliable service. Read my stories and see what you think.
I’m also available for hire to read my true Chicago stories to organizations
and answer all questions. I autograph my books when I sell them.

I am currently seeking an agent to do more readings.
Feel free to call me at the number above.


Comment by Don Larson

October 31, 2008 @ 2:35 pm

Hi Bob,

Well, I’m voting but not sure for which one yet.

Neither candidate will be able to do anything because of the 2009 deficit growing towards $1 trillion every day. It will be interesting to see the biggest retreat from the campaign promises in history in order to deal with the situation.

I expect that retreat to start on November 5th, if it hasn’t started already, regardless of which one of the two wins.


Comment by Bob

October 31, 2008 @ 4:12 pm

Hello from the loyal Left, Don!

As usual, you’re the first to reply, so thanks for reading my plea to the people. I, my wife,Joy and my adult kids voted about ten days ago, so we’re hoping every vote will make a difference.

I’m just one of over 300 million Americans, but if you think my argument is a fair one, please send it on to others you feel may care, because it is meant to urge people to vote, and that includes Republicans…whomever they choose to vote for.

I bet you’ll be up late on Tuesday, watching history unfold before us.

Well, take care of yourself, Don.


Comment by Marilyn Helmer

November 2, 2008 @ 9:00 pm

From the center of the Heartland and in the Republican county of Lincoln, one day out from Election Day, thanks for your solutions to saving our country. As always, you are well-informed and thinking deeply. I think you should try for a private audience with President Obama so that he hears your ideas! They might save him time and heart ache.

Regardless of who wins in any year, we the people need to do much better in keeping in tune and fulfilling our duties as watch-dog citizens. We’re too busy with our daily routine to give much thought.

Given the intense passion on both sides, we need to pray that somehow we can pull together respectfully after the winner in declared.


Comment by Don Larson

November 2, 2008 @ 10:24 pm


I agree with your desire of coming together.


Comment by Bob Katzman

November 2, 2008 @ 10:27 pm


Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to what I wrote. Most people don’t, and I’m happy to read your thoughts, even if perchance we don’t agree.

I am assuming you are being diplomatic, and very polite, which is a nice way to be in the event you don’t necessarily see things from my perspective.

But even if that were not correct and you were actually delighted about everything I recommended that Obama do, when he’s in a position to do them, I am not unwilling to accept criticism or complete disagreement, delivered in a civil manner. The essence of a free society, to me.

Sometimes, when that happens, I learn something. I always hope the reverse is true, too. I am filled with good will, and a willingness to listen.

I already know that you are a classy lady in a Republican county, but that doesn’t interfere with my admiring you. And beautiful Lincoln, Kansas, too. I hope this winter is kind to your town. Kansas weather is scary. I had no idea until I arrived there and saw how it could change every twenty minutes!

Sunny–Rain–Windstorm–Flash Flood–Sunny–Lightning and Thunder–Sunny–etc.

In my heart of hearts, do I really expect a call from Washington, D.C. thanking me for what I believe are my rock solid ideas to turn things around for the average person in America?

Well, no, I don’t.

But this is my blog, and I guess all I’m doing is loving America out loud and in public. And praying we have better times ahead of us. The Republicans, the Democrats, the Greens and the Independents, too.

Good luck to all of us, this Tuesday, Marilyn.

Your Liberal, Jewish, Independent friend in Chicago,

Bob Katzman

ps…You too, as always, Don. It’s stunning how peacefully this country transfers power, no matter how angry we all seem to be. Something good lives in America, when I see all the other ways power is taken around the world. We are the exception to chaos, and lucky to be that. Chaos killed my relatives who were trapped in Europe, long ago. I know what I and my family have here, truly.

See you, Don.

Comment by Don Larson

November 4, 2008 @ 4:54 pm

Hi Bob,

Okay, I voted today. Right after that I was interviewed by a reporter for the San Diego Union-Tribune. If that interview is published I’ll point to it on my web site.

Right as I type this message, my digital cable TV connection is down in my region. Fortunately I can still use my cable modem for the Internet.

I have a few friends going to the Chicago Grant Park Obama event tonight. I hope it all goes well without problems there.


Comment by Bob Katzman

November 4, 2008 @ 11:01 pm


We got us one hellova President.

The good guys won.

Now, Prez, go do something, fast!

Bob Katzman

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