Different Slants

Seeing the World from a New Angle

Why I am Not Contributing to the Democratic National Committee

Filed under: Politics — Rick at 10:20 am on Sunday, July 29, 2007

I got a call yesterday from the DNC asking for a contribution. I said no and explained why.

Nearly every communication I have receive from the Democratic party since the last election has begun by reminding me how bad the Republicans are. Half of what the Democrats are doing in Congress, it seems, is only an exercise in making the Republicans look bad. I think the Republicans are doing a fine job of making themselves look bad. They don’t need any help from the Democrats.

This is 2007. It may be hard to tell but, it is not an election year. It is time to stop campaigning and start solving the nations problems. We still have to find a way out of Iraq. Our educational system is not competitive. Health care is broken. Social Security is headed for a train wreck. Both parties, and part of the problem is we effectively have only two, need to stop their bickering and get to work.

Since the one thing both parties seem to pay the most attention to is campaign money, I am withholding my contributions to the DNC until I see the party start to live up to their promise of changing the tone in Congress. I have always withheld money from the Republicans so I can’t really change do much there.


Comment by Bob katzman

July 29, 2007 @ 1:56 pm

Rick, this will be brief, so you may doubt that it’s really from me.

But is is.

There can be no quarrel with your rant because you are correct. All the way, no exceptions.
The problem is forming an effective 3rd party. That would change everything and force people running for office to carefully think about what they say–what they promise–and who their spporters are, because each party’s candidates would be catching flack from both sides demanding clarification, no glossing over big problems with smooth meaningless lies.

I’m a liberal Democrat/independent except i ain’t got no independents to vote for who have an eyelash of a chance to mount a challenge.

Maybe there exist some influential activists who could form a Workers Coalition Party to serve as a catch-all political party that represent the voiceless, the poor, the sick and disabled–all of whom can and should vote.

If they focuses on meaningful healthcare reform, national health insurance, sex education and a national mental health plan to eliminate our homeless street people….those issues are central and serious enough to mount a challenge to the blowhards from the other two parties who will never move on those issues.

A decent, incorruptable, well-spoken and slightly charasmatic candidate (like me) who represented rational and plausible alternatives to the way we live (and die) now, would have a chance. Maybe not to win, but to force the others to accept major social change and respond to the will of the voiceless.

One issue is too little to be taken seriously. Twenty issues are too many to concentrate on and make meaningful change happen. The focused would be two diffused to matter. The lower classes in this country have enough votes to elect anyone they believe in. All they need is a person to rally around who won’t lie to them, steal from them, sell out if it means possibly winning only that way and who will direct the country as if he/she didn’t give a damn about being re-elected. That’s what I want.

Someone who is everything he claims to be. Someone people will accept as imperfect. Someone who will be unintimidated by impossible odds. Someone who sees the presidency as an enormous responsibility and not stardom. Not becoming a “God-like character.
To receive the absolute trust of the majority of the American people to truly represent them, no matter what,ought to be the greatest accomplishment a person could hope to achieve…but only if that person actually intends to do the job he promised to do when the victory shouting is over and all the sparkling confetti is swept away.

That’s what would change this country and make a person proud to live here and to call themselves an American without the shame we should all be feeling now for the way the world sees us.

Ok, it wasn’t brief. But I meant every single word.

Bob Katzman

Comment by Bob katzman

July 29, 2007 @ 2:12 pm

Rick, this will be brief, so you may doubt that it’s really from me.

But is is.

There can be no quarrel with your rant because you are correct. All the way, no exceptions.

The problem is forming an effective 3rd party. That would change everything and force people running for office to carefully think about what they say–what they promise–and who their spporters are, because each party’s candidates would be catching flack from both sides demanding clarification, no glossing over big problems with smooth meaningless lies.

I’m a liberal Democrat/independent except i ain’t got no “independents” to vote for who have an eyelash of a chance to mount a real challenge.

Maybe there exist some influential activists who could form a Workers Coalition Party to serve as a catch-all political party that represent the voiceless, the poor, the sick and disabled–all of whom can and should vote.

If they focuses on meaningful healthcare reform, national health insurance, sex education and a national mental health plan to eliminate our homeless street people….those issues are central and serious enough to mount a challenge to the blowhards from the other two parties who will never move on those issues.

A decent, incorruptable, well-spoken and slightly charismatic candidate (like me) who represented rational and plausible alternatives to the way we live (and die) now, would have a chance. Maybe not to win, but to force the others to accept major social change and respond to the will of the voiceless.

One issue is too little to be taken seriously. Twenty issues are too many to concentrate on and make meaningful change happen. The focus would be too diffused to matter. The lower classes in this country have enough votes to elect anyone they believe in. All they need is a person to rally around who won’t lie to them, steal from them, sell out if it means possibly winning only that way and who will direct the country as if he/she didn’t give a damn about being re-elected. That’s what I want.

Someone who is everything he claims to be. Someone people will accept as imperfect. Someone who will be unintimidated by impossible odds. Someone who sees the presidency as an enormous responsibility and not stardom. Not becoming a “God-like” character.
To receive the absolute trust of the majority of the American people to truly represent them, no matter what,ought to be the greatest accomplishment a person could hope to achieve…but only if that person actually intends to do the job he promised to do when all the victory shouting is over and all the sparkling confetti is swept away.

That’s what would change this country and make a person proud to live here and to call themselves an American without the shame we should all be feeling now for the way the world sees us.

Ok, it wasn’t brief. But I meant every single word.

Bob Katzman

Comment by Don Larson

July 30, 2007 @ 8:37 am

Hi Rick,

America needs a new vision.

I’m for a Centrist Party that excludes the fringes of the Democrats and Republicans.

I don’t send money to either major party. The millionaires running from each don’t need my money.

I doubt a new party will come forward. Instead the bickering will continue between the two major parties as it stands today.

We will continue to have the problems we have discussed here, only more so. Likely entrenched views will harden even further.

I’m not expecting Congress to solve problems, they create the bulk of the problems. I watched the Republican Congress do it, now the Democratic Congress do it. I can’t think of a time since I was born when the government ran smoothly and as a benefit to the people.


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