Different Slants

Seeing the World from a New Angle

The Nature of Money

Filed under: Conspiracy Theories — Rick at 10:15 am on Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A new documentary was released October 2 called Zeitgeist: Addendum. It comes from the same people who brought you “Zeitgeist” described in my post of May 23, 2008.  You can click on the image below to view this 2 hour long feature.

The topic of this movie is money.  How it is created in a fractional reserve system such as ours, and how it affects government policies and our lives.  This is a conspiracy theory movie but still well worth the time to watch.  A document, “Modern Money Mechanics” published by the Federal Reserve, is referenced and may be downloaded here if you want to read it.

This documentary is highly relevant to the current financial crises and the government bailout of the banking industry.

1 Comment »

Comment by Don Larson

October 14, 2008 @ 9:44 pm

Hi Rick,

Well, I started to watch it and as soon as the subtle suggestion appeared that Americans are responsible for other nations’ problems, like hunger and poverty, then I had to stop watching. I don’t buy it.

One of the things that appeared just before that cessation was how 1% of the world’s population owns 40% of the wealth, as if that is a bad thing somehow. I don’t feel that it is. However, I know that America as a small percentage of the world’s population, feeds a greater percentage than our own. Maybe we should only grow enough for our needs since percentages always seem to be bandied about when they infer negative perspectives. Yeah, how about that? We’ll only grow what we need and let each nation do the same, if they can.

Once again a video starts to talk about “one world order”, “one world government”, “one society”, etc. How sad that is. That’s even sadder to me than knowing there is poverty and hunger in the world. It goes against the very history of mankind to suggest we are all destined to be the same.

I’m not into conspiracy theories, except maybe that the leftists always are working on one to overthrow the rest of us. Too bad for them they are a very small percentage of the world’s population and don’t succeed in convincing enough others of their desire. But it makes perfect sense to me why thy aren’t convincing.


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