Different Slants

Seeing the World from a New Angle

Education Should be Priority Number 2

Filed under: Politics — Rick at 11:58 am on Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The highest priority role of the U.S. federal government should be defense. We could have a very long debate indeed on the difference between defense and military adventurism but, we won’t. Not here. Not now. Maybe later.

The second highest priority should be education. In the U.S., the job of education falls to the states. Thats a good idea except it is not working for most of the nation. Some of the states have created good universities but, we have to look to other countries to find students qualified to attend them. Although we still have many of the top universities in the world, our K-12 educational system is continuing it long decline.

So why is this important? Because if we want to maintain our high standard of living we will have to compete in a much larger world than we did in the past. The iron curtain has fallen. China, India, and Eastern Europe have joined the free market as both consumers and suppliers. That about 3 billion more people and a substantial number of them are well educated.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the solution to improving our educational system. The U.S. spends about as much per pupil on K-12 education other industrialized nations – although we do spend more of that money on non-education items such as transportation and sports than they do. But if the U.S. is in 24th place in math and science education, there are 23 places we can look for ideas.

We need to focus on how to improve and stop just trying to find someone to blame.

1 Comment »

Comment by Don Larson

July 10, 2007 @ 8:34 pm


I agree our educational system needs fixing. I don’t have the solution either. I don’t think there are simple answers.

Let’s look at the high school you and I went to in Chicago. It was in the top ten high schools back then. Now it no longer exists as a high school, but instead houses four different kinds of schools to help the students there now.

Is it good that it adapted to the changing conditions? I think so. It served my purposes back in 1964-68 and it serves the purpose of the students it has today.

I think we should require young people to serve our country in one way or another for two years after high school. Then after they complete those two years, give them four years of higher education or specialized training for free. By the time they are 25, they will have learned a great deal from helping and learning.

Of course we need to pay for that somehow. But paying for that is better than the situation we find ourselves in today, in my humble opinion.


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