Different Slants

Seeing the World from a New Angle

Defining “Blow”: English Usage, Sometimes Flexible, Sometimes Rigid…by Robert M. Katzman

Filed under: Gritty Katzman Chicago Stories,Humor,Poetry & Prose,subtle erotica — Bob at 8:38 am on Saturday, August 27, 2011

 by Robert M. Katzman © August 27, 2011

(1) Blow: To form one’s lips into a circle and expel air at varying velocities, in order to possibly remove something unwanted from a surface

(2) Blowing a Kiss: Same as above except also holding one’s hand, palm up, under one’s chin and, after making a gentle kissing sound, (which is exceptionally difficult to define) aiming the imaginary act of affection toward its intended recipient, expedited by air expelled somewhat more urgently while also eliciting a receptive response

(3) Blow Up!: Besides destroying one another’s advanced civilizations with incendiary bombs and rockets dropped from airplanes, also means a sudden argument gone out of control with supervisor, fellow workers, one’s spouse, customer, or, on particularly bad days, all of them

(4) A Harsh Blow: To strike another’s body or intellectual concepts without mercy.  Can also mean to undercut one’s self esteem and likely to stifle one’s advancement in an organization unless the perpetrator of the act is decapitated in reality and not just in one’s imagination

(5) Blow, as per Presidential candidate Barak Obama: Cocaine, which surprisingly, is an elective at major universities throughout the world

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Steel-Belted Liberation…by Robert M. Katzman

Filed under: Liberation Fantasies,Life & Death — Bob at 10:56 am on Monday, August 22, 2011

August 20, 2011


Rays dancing on my Soldered Lids

My fragile spine a Gordian Knot

Takes an hour of contortions

To give my body back to me

To beat unstoppable Time

That Posse that pursues me

Through the Night

Into the Dawn


Give me



Falling out of bed

I escape the Darkness

And for one more day

That choice is mine


Awake and Naked

Icy water on my face

I wince into the Mirror

Who the Hell is that?


Worn jeans hang lifeless

On a peg on a wall

Waiting for me

Like a patient Hound

Awaiting my touch

I slide into them

Shape matching Shape

The Uniform of the Unregimented

***  (Read on …)

Regulation Conversation (interrupted)…by Robert M. Katzman

Posted on August 11, 2011

“So, Miss, I want to make Payment Arrangements”

There will be a late fee, Sir

But I’m already having trouble paying you

Sorry, Sir, but that’s the rules, Sir

I tried to call 611 to get you, but this message wouldn’t let me

Wait a minute, Sir, I’ll check on that


Oh, that’s an automatic upgrade!

What for?

Well, you qualify for a new and better phone…

But I don’t want one

I don’t know how to use the one I already have

Oh, but Sir, you’ll be able to connect directly with the internet!


Excuse me, Miss–but, what’s your name?


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