Different Slants

Seeing the World from a New Angle

My Immigrant Grandmother Celia, A Burning Hyde Park Newsstand, a Bar Mitzvah Gift and How it all Fits Together: An American Story

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bob at 7:42 am on Saturday, March 19, 2022

by Robert M. Katzman © April 14, 2022

Been writing poetry since 1958 – that’s before Castro came to power – and I was thinking about my justifying offering a passionate new one here about: the slaughter of innocents in Ukraine, my Grandmother, Bob’s Newsstand, and what the hell does it have to do with Hyde Park history in Chicago?  This is what happened.

Celia Baumwahl, born in 1901, daughter of Fanny Turkingkopf, was later married to Nathan Warman of Minsk, Byelorussia. She once lived near Lvov when it was part of Poland. Later, borders were moved after World War One and it became Lviv, Ukraine. She spoke a dialect she called “Ukraina” which allowed Poles to speak to Ukrainians. She arrived in Ellis Island, New York City, America in 1917 during the War then traveled to Whiting, Indiana, very quickly married my Grampa Nathan in 1918 and eventually I showed up thirty-two years later. 

A real American Boy.

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Last Night I Dreamt in Russian

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bob at 4:34 pm on Tuesday, March 15, 2022

by Robert M. Katzman © March 15, 2022

Deep in sleep, I was in a small bookstore, where everything was in color, which is supposed to be unusual for men. I once owned a foreign language world travel bookstore named Grand Tour, in Chicago’s Lakeview from 1988 to 1994, but regardless, I don’t speak Russian. Twelve years of frustrated, antagonized and likely suicidal teachers attempted to teach me French, Hebrew, Spanish and German in both public and private schools.

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Johnny Carson, America’s 1973 Run on Toilet Paper and Katzman’s Response

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bob at 3:02 pm on Wednesday, March 9, 2022

by Robert M. Katzman © March 9, 2022

So, after Carson made an untrue joke about a consumer toilet paper running out, for whatever reason, the nation panicked; descended on the stores all across America and cleaned off the shelves… thereby creating an ACTUAL shortage when there really was none. I owned Bob’s Newsstand at the time in Chicago’s Hyde Park, across the parking lot from the A&P and decided to not take any chances. I was 23, married and untrusting of the reality of rumors.

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In the Time I Have Left

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bob at 2:10 pm on Saturday, March 5, 2022

by Robert M. Katzman © January 19, 2022


There is so much light

I want to experience

I have grown to 

Love my friends

Because Time

Like flame 

Both destroys and distills

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