Different Slants

Seeing the World from a New Angle

On a Visit from Shanghai to Skokie…by Robert M. Katzman

Filed under: Friendship & Compassion,Philosophy,Politics,Retail Purgatory — Bob at 8:25 am on Saturday, June 29, 2013

By Robert M. Katzman © June 29, 2013


Since the June 15th 2013 Chicago Tribune publicity about my Skokie, Illinois back-issue magazine store, people have been coming in from all sorts of places to check me out, but not usually from Shanghai.

 This man, his tall model-like daughter and his wife came in–I have no idea how he could know about what I do–and he asked me for whatever I had from 1874, because his company in China owns another company in Milwaukee which was founded on that date. I found five things for him. In five minutes.

 His daughter, about 18, said, “How did you do that without a computer?”

I responded, “I don’t know any other way to do it.”

(Read on …)

Nearly Three Dozen… by Robert M. Katzman

Filed under: Depression and Hope,Existential Pets,Friendship & Compassion,Life & Death,Marriage and Family,Philosophy — Bob at 12:27 pm on Thursday, June 20, 2013

Robert M. Katzman’s Amazing Story:  http://www.differentslants.com/?p=355 

© June 20, 2013

My relentless surgeries

Nearly three dozen

An incomprehensible number

Akin to counting stars

Accepting and knowing

There is no conclusion to it

So many scars

Like an unprotected moon

Pelted by

Jagged asteroids

The thin red lines

Tell their stories

From my head to toe

Randomly in between


Given me insight


 What’s important

Between these

Sharp-edged assaults

  (Read on …)