Different Slants

Seeing the World from a New Angle

A Brush with ‘Socialized Medicine’

Filed under: Politics,Travel — Rick at 10:06 am on Sunday, October 17, 2010

After a pleasant sail across the English Channel from Calais, Mary and I arrived in Great Britain aboard our sailboat ‘Orca’ the 25th of August.  Our first impression, compared to the continent, was that it appeared just a bit run down.  However, the people were quite nice and immigrations was willing to let us stay for 6 months so, we decided to winter our boat here before going back across to France in the spring to begin a greater adventure.

White Cliffs of Dover

White Cliffs of Dover

Although the weather was already cool, it was still early in the sailing season so we decide to explore the East Coast of England.  Because of the tides, currents, and sand banks, this is one of the more challenging parts of the world for cruising.  The tidal ranges here can exceed 20 feet and tidal currents 4 knots.  You can take a sailboat across a bank at high tide and play cricket there 5 hours later. (Read on …)