Different Slants

Seeing the World from a New Angle

Magazine Memories, 2012 Filmed Interview by J.T.Bowers, Skokie, Illinois–Store Closed 4/10/16

Filed under: Bewilderment,Filmed Interviews,Humor,Katzman Biography,Life & Death,My Own Personal Hell,Retail Purgatory — Bob at 7:53 am on Tuesday, November 28, 2017

One of the last back-issue magazine resources in America, this 2012  fourteen minute interview by an incredibly compassionate and talented movie maker, J. T. Bowers, who got it right. Out of two hours of filming, he distilled it down to this short film. But the music…the music is heartbreaking, to me at least. Like filming death in slow motion. Some people can see more than others, and Bowers is gifted that way. I haven’t seen him for years,but maybe he’ll see this and contact me.

That would be wonderful. I hope his film can reach your heart, the way it still does mine, five years later in November 2017.

My store closed April 10, 2016 so I could care for my wife Joyce, in hospice at that point, full time. I sure hope there’s a heaven, man. She had it coming.


Comment by Charlie Newman

November 28, 2017 @ 9:06 am

I remember this…in spite of my rotten memory.
Good piece.

Comment by Gilad Suffrin

November 28, 2017 @ 1:48 pm

It did reach my heart pal, and I am grieving the fact you still don’t have the recognition you deserve.

Comment by Nikolaos

November 28, 2017 @ 4:04 pm

Beautiful video encapsulating sparks from the existence and the personality of an extraordinary individual.

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